Military families

Benton-Carroll-Salem School District has made a dedication to military-connected students and families to provide them resources and support.  The school has a staff point of contact for military students and families who serves as the primary liaison between them and the school.  The liaison completes professional development on special considerations for military students and families under federal law.  The liaison identifies and informs teachers of the military-connected students in their classrooms and the special considerations military families and students should receive.

The point of contact for each of the buildings are as follows:

RC Waters:  Laurel Byington,

Oak Harbor Intermediate School/High School:  Nick Lance,

R.C. Waters Elementary & Oak Harbor Intermediate Schools have been renewed as Purple Star Schools by the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce, recognizing exceptional support for military-connected students and families.  This award focuses on the importance of overcoming obstacles to learning, particularly for our military-connected youth.  We're incredibly proud of this distinction and commend the dedication of our staff!