Talented & Gifted

Mission Statement:

Our mission at the Benton-Carroll-Salem Local School District is to recognize students who possess exceptional talents and abilities.  We will create a respectful environment that will continually be challenging and fosters world class learners. 

Identified students who perform at or above the ninety-fifth percentile at the national level on an approved individual or group standardized test are afforded a differentiated curricular approach, subject acceleration, advanced/honors classes, and post-secondary options.  The instruction will provide 21st century learning opportunities, which will help maximize the learning potential of talented and gifted students.

What is a Gifted Student?

According to the Ohio Department of Education, "Gifted" means students who perform, or show potential for performing, at remarkably high levels of accomplishment when compared to others of their age, experience or environment, and who are identified under division (A), (B), (C), or (D) of section 3324.03 of the Revised Code. A gifted and talented student is one who shows, or has the potential for showing, an exceptional level of performance in one or more areas of expression.

The Purpose of the Gifted Program:

Gifted Services Options:

The District adopts and submits to the Ohio Department of Education a plan for a continuum of services that may be offered to students who are gifted.

The services likely to be provided to a student based on the nature of their identification are:

Gifted and Talented Program Personnel & Roles:

Jennifer Giezie-Gifted and Talented Coordinator, jgiezie@bcssd.com    

Kelli May - Director of Student Services, kmay@bcssd.com     

Angie Lipstraw & Brian Hughes - Building Principals, alipstraw@bcssd.com  &  bhughes@bcssd.com  

Sarah Moore - Testing Coordinator, smoore@bcssd.com

Valerie Damschroder - High School Secretary, vdamschroder@bcssd.com

Cathy Bergman - Superintendent, cbergman@bcssd.com        

Andrea Hughes - Board Office Secretary, ahughes@bcssd.com   

The entire Benton-Carroll-Salem school community will work together toward the goals of the program in order to increase the academic achievement of gifted & talented students as measured by metrics on the District Report Card.

More Information & Forms