Talented & Gifted
Mission Statement:
Our mission at the Benton-Carroll-Salem Local School District is to recognize students who possess exceptional talents and abilities. We will create a respectful environment that will continually be challenging and fosters world class learners.
Identified students who perform at or above the ninety-fifth percentile at the national level on an approved individual or group standardized test are afforded a differentiated curricular approach, subject acceleration, advanced/honors classes, and post-secondary options. The instruction will provide 21st century learning opportunities, which will help maximize the learning potential of talented and gifted students.
What is a Gifted Student?
According to the Ohio Department of Education, "Gifted" means students who perform, or show potential for performing, at remarkably high levels of accomplishment when compared to others of their age, experience or environment, and who are identified under division (A), (B), (C), or (D) of section 3324.03 of the Revised Code. A gifted and talented student is one who shows, or has the potential for showing, an exceptional level of performance in one or more areas of expression.
The Purpose of the Gifted Program:
To identify the specific talents and abilities of gifted students, and nourish those abilities through placing students in appropriate settings.
To provide an appropriate education based upon the specific abilities of each student.
To challenge gifted students by providing educational programming that meets their academic and intellectual needs.
Gifted Services Options:
The District adopts and submits to the Ohio Department of Education a plan for a continuum of services that may be offered to students who are gifted.
The District ensures equal opportunity for all students identified as gifted to receive any or all services offered by the District.
The District implements a procedure for withdrawal of students from District gifted programs or services, for reassessment of students and assessment of students transferring into the District.
The District implements a procedure for resolving disputes with regard to identification and placement decisions.
Any District gifted education services are delivered in accordance with State law.
The District informs parents of the contents of this policy as required by State law.
The services likely to be provided to a student based on the nature of their identification are:
In grades K-5, gifted students will be served through cluster grouping with a focus on developing thinking skills of all learners. Differentiated instructional strategies will be incorporated into the regular classroom setting on a routine basis in order to meet the needs of all students. Services will be provided by a general education teacher receiving the prescribed professional development hours necessary to provide gifted service or a licensed gifted intervention specialist (GIS).
In grades 6 and 7, gifted students will be provided cluster grouping in advanced classes in the core subjects of English/Language Arts and Mathematics. Services will be provided by a general education teacher receiving the prescribed professional development hours necessary to provide gifted service.
In grade 8, gifted students may be offered an accelerated math program (Algebra I) or cluster grouping in an advanced mathematics course or honors English course. Services will be provided by a general education teacher receiving the prescribed professional development hours necessary to provide gifted service.
In grades 9-12, gifted students may participate in Honors courses, Advanced Placement courses, and College Credit Plus courses. Honors and Advanced Placement courses will be instructed by a general education teacher receiving the prescribed professional development hours necessary to provide gifted service.
Whole Grade Acceleration: This is an option for a qualified student to move ahead one entire grade level. The student must be exceptional and show appropriate social maturity to move ahead one grade level. The Benton-Carroll-Salem Local School District follows guidelines through the Ohio Department of Education with the use of the Iowa Acceleration Scale for evaluation of a student who is referred for whole-grade acceleration.
Early Entrance to kindergarten: This is an option allowing qualified students the opportunity to enter kindergarten earlier than their age equivalent peers. The Benton-Carroll-Salem Local School District follows guidelines through the Ohio Department of Education with the use of the Iowa Acceleration Scale for evaluation of a student who is referred for early entrance to kindergarten.
Gifted and Talented Program Personnel & Roles:
Jennifer Giezie-Gifted and Talented Coordinator, jgiezie@bcssd.com
Responsible for the overall design and delivery of gifted and talented instructional opportunities for students, including communication with parent/guardian and collaboration with others to strengthen the capacity of the program
Responsible for collaboration with the superintendent regarding curriculum improvement and professional development initiatives to improve outcomes for students.
Responsible for the organization of meetings with parents of newly identified students, as well as writing a WEP or WAP in consultation with others (such as the guidance counselors at the high school).
Responsible for making sure that newly identified students are entered properly into EMIS, and to ensure that all gifted services codes are appropriately documented in EMIS.
Kelli May - Director of Student Services, kmay@bcssd.com
Responsible for the overall administration of the program, and for developing the capacity of the program to serve the needs of gifted and talented students.
Angie Lipstraw & Brian Hughes - Building Principals, alipstraw@bcssd.com & bhughes@bcssd.com
Building principals are responsible for ensuring WEPs and WAPs are administered with fidelity and that the needs of students who are identified as gifted and talented are met to the extent practicable.
Principals assist the Director of Student Services in the supervision and administration of the program.
The Middle School Principal, Mrs. Lipstraw, will be responsible for completing the evaluation of the Gifted & Talented Coordinator, Mrs. Giezie, in consultation with other administrators.
Sarah Moore - Testing Coordinator, smoore@bcssd.com
Responsible for ordering all required materials for gifted testing administration; 2nd Grade testing in November and 5th Grade testing in February.
Responsible for returning all materials for scoring post testing, and ensuring reporting options are communicated clearly and correctly.
Valerie Damschroder - High School Secretary, vdamschroder@bcssd.com
Completes Gifted & Talented data entry, as directed.
Cathy Bergman - Superintendent, cbergman@bcssd.com
Responsible and accountable for the performance of the program.
Monitor progress and provide guidance and assistance, as necessary.
Andrea Hughes - Board Office Secretary, ahughes@bcssd.com
Responsible for final EMIS submissions.
The entire Benton-Carroll-Salem school community will work together toward the goals of the program in order to increase the academic achievement of gifted & talented students as measured by metrics on the District Report Card.