BOard of Education

Meet our Board Members

President, Heather Dewitz - | 419-262-3231

Vice President, Jeff Dornbusch, - | 419-707-1200 

Member, Jamie Tooman, - | 419-708-1078

Member, Kim Dusseau - | 419-559-3489 

Member,  Aaron Avery - | 419-898-6210

About our Meetings

-Our next scheduled regular meeting is set for September 24th, 2024 at 4:45 PM at the Board of Education Office.  

-Typical meetings are scheduled for the fourth Tuesday of each month at 4:45 PM at the Board Office.  However, meeting dates and times are subject to change.  Please view the calendar below or call the Board Office if you have any questions at (419) 898-6210.

-Upcoming Board of Education Committee meetings are noted on the following calendar.

Board Committees

Our Mission

Through engaging, cutting-edge, student-centered learning opportunities, WE: 

Believe each child can achieve success and all staff must remain ready to meet the needs of children; 

Challenge all students and staff to be civic-minded leaders, problem solvers, and critical thinkers, and; 

Succeed when we work collaboratively with all district stakeholders to prepare our students for the  challenges of higher education, training, the workforce, and life in a democratic society.